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Ivo Stropnik (1966), studied Slovene Studies at the Faculty of Arts, Ljubljana. He lives and works in Velenje, where he acts as the editor-in-chief of the Velenje Literary Foundation and head of the Lirikonfest Velenje international literary festival, the initiator and the long-standing organiser of the international Pretnar Award conferred to ambassadors of the Slovene language and culture across the world, the Academy Poetic Slovenia, the Velenjica-Cup of Immortality poetry award, the Lirikonov Zlat distinction for translation, the Lirikonfestov Zlat distinction for essays, the Winged Turtle award for travelogue, the writers’ and translators’ residence in Velenje, the editor of Rp. Lirikon21 festival anthologies, etc.
Stropnik has published eighteen books of literature for both adults and children, including twelve poetry collections for adults. His work has appeared in literary journals, festival almanacs, and anthologies, and his selected poetry has also been published as an e-book.
Books of poetry for adults: Golden Butterflies (student songbook, 1983), A Thinning Cavalry (poetry papers in the graphic folder by P. Matko, 1991), Groundwater (1991), The Hideaway in the Eye (1993), The Proper Names of My Home (1997), the five-book collection The Growing Dictionary of Melancholy and Joyfulness I–V: The Dew Did Not Forget Me (1997), Distances (1998), I Think of You, Cavity in My Head (2006), The Book of Noises (2009); the anthology Back to Animal (one hundred selected and new poems, 2008); XXXL – Large Loves (2012); A Star Who Tailored a Girl & The Dictionary of Melancholy and Joyfulness (652 selected lyrical entries, 2018); From Anus to Tortoise (2020).
Ivo Stropnik (1966) je študiral slovenistiko na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani. Živi in dela v Velenju, kjer je glavni in odgovorni urednik Velenjske knjižne fundacije in vodja mednarodnega književnega festivala Lirikonfesta Velenje. Je pobudnik in dolgoletni organizator mednarodne Pretnarjeve nagrade podeljene ambasadorjem slovenske književnosti in jezika po svetu, pesniške nagrade velenjica-čaša nesmrtnosti, prevajalskega priznanja Lirikonov zlat, priznanja Lirikonfestov zlat za esej, nagrade krilata želva za najboljši slovenski potopis, pesniške in prevajalske rezidence v Velenju, urednik festivalnih antologij Rp. Lirikon 21, itd.
Stropnik je objavil osemnajst knjig za odrasle in otroke, vključno z dvanajstimi pesniškimi zbirkami za odrasle. Njegove pesmi so objavljene literarnih revijah, festivalnih almanahih in antologijah, izbor njegove poezije pa je bil objavljen tudi kot e-knjiga.
Pesniške zbirke za odrasle: Zlati metulji (dijaška pesmarica, 1983), Redčena konjenica (pesniški listi v grafični mapi P. Matka, 1991), Podtalnica (1991), Skrivalnica v očesu (1993), Lastna imena mojega doma (1997), peteroknjižje Slovarjenje melanholije in radoživosti I–V: Rosa ni pozabila name (1997), Daljave (1998), Triangel (2001), Nate mislim, votlina v glavi (2006), Knjiga šumov (2009); antologija Nazaj k živali (sto izbranih in novih pesmi, 2008); XXXL – Velike ljubezni (2012); Šivala je zvezda deklico & Slovar MIR (2018); Od anusa do želve (2020).